A Different Kind Of Brew

When it comes to beer, we certainly know a thing or two about making lip-smacking brews. Which is why it made sense for us to explore another avenue by delving into a completely different kind of brew – coffee. And now, we can proudly introduce our latest offering, the Honeycomb Houses Signature Blend. 

We partnered with the artisan coffee experts at Wogan Coffee to curate a delicious and invigorating Arabica coffee blend of our own. Our signature blend of 100% Arabica coffee is ethically sourced from Nicaragua, in partnership with the Teach A Man To Fish charity. 

Partnerships are important to us here at Honeycomb Houses, we like to work with businesses with sustainable values and principles to provide our customers with ethically sourced beverages and provisions.

Wogan Coffee is no exception. Established in the very heart of Bristol in 1970, Wogan Coffee has a longstanding history of exceptional quality. Their dedication to supporting small, sustainable specialty farmers worldwide is a testament to their commitment to not only improving the livelihoods of the farmers and their families but enabling them to build a better future. Which in our humble opinion, is nothing short of amazing. 

What can you expect from our Honeycomb Houses signature blend? Where do we start! 

Every single Arabica bean is hand roasted to sheer perfection. Arabica coffee is renowned for its smooth, sweeter taste. Boasting flavour notes of chocolate and sugar with subtle hints of fruit and berries. 

The Arabica bean contains 60% more lipids than others on the market, research has shown that there is a direct correlation between lipid content and beverage quality. Lipids play an important role in aroma retention, meaning that every time you raise the cup to your mouth you’ll be met with a delicious array of flavours. Arabica coffee contains twice the amount of sugar than other blends such as Robusta, but don’t let this deter you. The extra sugar gives the coffee a much better taste, a considerably cleaner mouthfeel and bitterness is decreased.

Our signature blend is currently available to buy at The George. Why not pay a visit to our newly refurbished venue, learn more about our sumptuous signature coffee blend and pick up a pouch. From our home to your home.